Congresso SBO 2024

Dados do Trabalho




Purpose: To assess healthcare professionals' knowledge of corneal biomechanics in glaucoma and identify knowledge gaps for educational focus.
Methods: A cross-sectional, observational study involving an online questionnaire addressing knowledge and importance of corneal biomechanics in glaucoma patients, completed by volunteer ophthalmologists, glaucoma specialists, and physicians from other specialties residing in Brazil. Data analysis was based on knowledge about the subject in these three groups, and the analyses were performed using the statistical package SPSS 20.0.
Results: Out of 316 participants, 312 were analyzed after excluding 4 for incomplete responses. Glaucoma specialists showed superior knowledge in corneal biomechanics (99%) compared to non-specialists (90.3%) and other medical professionals (32.1%). Knowledge of specific devices like ORA and Corvis ST was higher among specialists. However, even among specialists, detailed knowledge of biomechanics' applicability in glaucoma was less common.
Conclusion: The study highlights the need for enhanced knowledge dissemination on corneal biomechanics in glaucoma across the medical community. Despite glaucoma specialists' deeper understanding, there's a general uncertainty about biomechanics' practical application. Addressing this through digital education tools and distance learning could bridge the knowledge gap, benefiting various medical specialties.

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GLAUCOMA (trabalhos)




